Welcome to Fonda-Fultonville’s Data Dashboard, an interactive, easy-to-use visual platform for sharing the district’s student achievement data. Hover over the dots in the charts and graphs to see more information about the data points.

Want more data? View Fonda-Fultonville’s Report Card from NYS.

Graduation Rate (4-year)

Graduation Rate (5-year)
Cohort represents the year a student begins 9th grade.

Regents diploma: Completes all credit requirements, passes five Regents exams.

Regents with Advanced Designation: Completes all credit requirements, passes five Regents exams with additional credits in languages other than English, or sequences in art or CTE.

Regents Diploma with CTE endorsement: Completes all credit requirements for specific diploma types and successfully completes an approved career and technical education program.

Local diploma: Completes all credit requirements required for graduation.

Advanced Placement (AP) Results

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are rigorous, college-level classes in a variety of subjects. Students have the opportunity to earn college credits by scoring a grade of 4 or 5 on an examination at the end of the course. Students at Fonda-Fultonville tend to take more College in the High School courses because there is a larger variety of offerings for that program.
SAT Trend School Average (State Average)

The SAT is a standardized exam used by colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. As of March 2016, there are two SAT sections comprised of three tests: math, evidence-based reading and writing, plus an optional essay. Each section of the SAT is scored on a 200 to 800 point scale, and the scores are combined. The highest possible score on the SAT is 1,600.
ACT Trend School Average (State Average)

The ACT is a standardized exam used by colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The ACT and SAT generally test the same types of content but differ in that the ACT has a science test, and the SAT has one math section for which you cannot use a calculator. The ACT is scored on a scale of 1-36.
The College in the High School program at Fonda-Fultonville is made possible through an agreement with Fulton-Montgomery Community College. Students are able to earn college credit at reduced tuition while taking a variety of accredited courses at the high school.

Data includes only students that are in district at Fonda-Fultonville High School.

Data includes student scores from all in and out of district students

  • Project Lead The Way (PLTW) - FFCSD Engineering Program

  • Agriculture Program (FFA Chapter)

  • P-Tech (HFM Boces) - Students enter the PTECH program as 9th graders and work simultaneously toward earning a Regents High School Diploma and an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science from FMCC.

  • TEC-SMART (BSPA Malta campus)- Last two years of High School- TEC-SMART is a critical component in preparing our students for a new economy that promotes job growth, environmental sustainability and technological innovation. Students earn between 21-35 credits. 4 Pathways: Clean Energy, Computer Science & Information Systems, Mechatronics, and Leadership/innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Tech-Valley - SUNY Polytech Institute at the Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

  • Early Admittance Program - FMCC and SCCC

  • CDOS Credential - Career Development Occupational Studies
  • SA-CC - The Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential will provide Students with Disabilities who take the NYS Alternative Assessment, with a commencement certificate similar in form to the diploma issued by the school district. The Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential must be accompanied by documentation of the student’s skills and strengths and levels of independence in academic, career development and foundation skills needed for post-school living, learning and working.

Students who earn scores of 3 and 4 are considered “proficient” in testing areas

Students who earn scores of 3 and 4 are considered “proficient” in testing areas

Students who earn scores of 3 and 4 are considered “proficient” in testing areas.